
Archive for the ‘Wedding Photography’ Category

Adrian Busse Piano

I met Adrian Busse recently at a dinner and was intrigued by her job description as a fashion and wedding photographer.  I wondered how her fashion training would come out in her wedding portfolio.  She told me about one of the first weddings she had shot in Seattle.  It was scheduled as an outdoor wedding and on the morning of the big day the rain was falling with no signs of letting up.  They quickly moved the venue to a Sheraton hotel and all of Adrian’s planning for perfect outdoor backgrounds was thrown out the window.  Instead of gorgeous views, colors and great lighting, she got exit signs, poor lighting, doors and ugly carpeting: a photographer’s worst nightmare!  Not to be deterred she began hunting through the hotel for a suitable place, keeping in mind the bride’s vintage look.  After 20 minutes of going through the halls and opening up doors she found a room with a cream colored wall, giant windows and a grand piano.  Despite the hotel security guard’s protests she soon had her bride on top of the piano vogueing. 

She says, “Fashion photography is always spontaneous and can always be a little risky. Getting the shot can sometimes mean curving the situation and making things happen even if it were not supposed to … Being a fashion wedding photographer you must always be creatively open to the unplanned.”

Looking at the pictures of the bride, you would never have guessed that the original photo locations were unavailable due to a torrential downpour.  The piano looks like it was made for that gown!  I think every bride has a unique picture or image of what kind of wedding she wants to have, including the type of photographer and the series of photos.  A fashion wedding photographer might not be for everyone, but it could just be that special part of the wedding day and those signature photos that certain brides treasure.   

  Adrian Busse Bride

 Adrian Busse Photography

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